
Directed Antennas

Directed Antennas

Omni Antennas

Omni Antennas

Sector Antennas

Sector Antennas

Omni Antennas

Omni Antennas

An OMNI directional antenna is designed to receive signals from all directions, making it an ideal choice for areas with multiple transmitting stations in different locations. This type of antenna is particularly popular in urban environments, where TV signals may come from various directions. At UMT LLC, we offer a range of high-performance OMNI directional antennas designed to deliver exceptional signal reception. Whether you're looking for an antenna for TV, digital reception, or WiFi, we have the perfect solution for you. Our OMNI antennas are engineered to provide reliable performance and seamless signal acquisition, ensuring that you never miss out on your favorite shows or important broadcasts.

Directed Antennas

Directed Antennas

Directional antennas, also known as highly-directional antennas, are engineered to receive signals from a specific direction or range of directions, offering precise and targeted signal acquisition. These antennas are ideal for users looking to capture signals from a particular source or location, providing enhanced reception capabilities compared to omnidirectional antennas. UMT LLC offers a diverse range of high-quality directional antennas designed to meet various signal acquisition needs. Whether you require a clearstream antenna, a unidirectional antenna, or specialized high-gain options, we have the perfect solution to enhance your signal reception experience

Sector Antennas

Sector Antennas

Sector antennas have sector-shaped radiation pattern: huge horizontal and less vertical pattern. Such principle helps to cover exact long sector area

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